the ramlings of
Jangrizzle on Sunday, November 28, 2010.
When I perform my daily ride of the wave known as the Internet, which begins with my ritualistic perusal of Gmail, Facebook,, and then Facebook again, I can usually continue my day without further thought to my cranium. Usually, I begin my day by reading an anti-Republican email from my beloved uncle, accepting the inevitable friend request(s) of the latest beautiful woman to stumble upon my Facebook page, learning about the Houston Rockets losing yet another game, and then making a Facebook status about these matters.
On rare occasion, my routine fails to ensue so fluently. Sometimes, I unearth something that invokes such disdain that it imprints itself into my thoughts like a paan stain outside of the University of Houston business school. Alas, the Internet is such a carefree and innocent place, but it allows the power of expression to anyone with a computer.
A great philosopher, known only as Eminem, put it so eloquently: “…words are like a dagger, with a jagged edge.”
Sometimes these criminals of articulation choose to remain anonymous, yet other times they proclaim their identities with pride, as if their thoughts are elementary school children who made the honor roll and the Internet is a car upon which to place a bumper sticker.
However, I consider myself a vigilante of sorts…an Al Gore, if you will, who strives to protect the innocent citizens of the Internet from the effects of the pollution of these individuals who only speak from their limited understanding of the world and believe that they have the right to judge others because they took a few psychology courses in college and have the ability to use Microsoft Word’s built-in thesaurus. I’m sorry, but just because you read "The Da Vinci Code" in high school and have Perez Hilton as your homepage does not make you a writer.
From Immy, with love.
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