the ramlings of on Thursday, November 22, 2007.

As our life continues through this continuation that we refer to as time, we realize that we cannot relive those previous events that defined us. Instead, we can only look to the events that are forthcoming; the very same events that will continue to define us. So do we ignore the changes that life throws our way, or do we adapt to them, learn from them, and ultimately better ourselves because of them. Do we allow these changes to penetrate our condom of confidence, or do we decide to not wear a condom at all? However, if we allow our confidence to be broken, then that is the only way new life can form. A new child, by the name of Future, shall be born of this embrace of change. These are the thoughts that cause my pillow to be soaked with tears of regret and tears of anticipation. Alas, I pity the fool who does not recognize satire when he reads it. Penis.

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