the ramlings of on Sunday, May 30, 2010.

Why do we do the things that we do?

Some people are motivated by a higher being promising them an eternal bachelor pad with 72 virgins and an unlimited supply of milk, honey, and weed. They follow the rules of this higher being, and they know that if they do this, even if their instincts are telling them otherwise, they will eventually be compensated for their actions.

Some people are motivated by an internal moral compass. They are born with a code, usually defined by their experiences and what they were taught in Kindergarten. They follow this code and don't stray from it. They know that when they deviate, it always turns around and bites them in the ass. They've learned, usually the hard way, that Karma is one mean, angry, cold, heartless biznitch.

Some people simply do things to please themselves in the moment: whatever desire they want, they take it and don't look back. If they are hungry, they eat. If they want something, they take it. If they are hor---, well you get my drift.

However, most people act in a mix of these three things. They have their internal moral compass, but it's not solid and always changing. They try their best to balance what they truly believe and what their religion/culture tells them to believe. At the same time, they go against their ideals sometimes for some sort of temporary pleasure, but they usually bounce back. It's not a big deal; it's like cheating on your diet by scarfing down a few oreos when no one is looking.

Here's what I think it comes down to. Do what works for you. If you strongly believe in whatever religion you were brought up in, go for it. If your experiences in life have taught you not to lie and cheat, then don't. If you really believe that you can smoke/drink/screw whoever you want without consequence, then go for it. However, morality only comes down to one thing. Don't hurt others, no matter what you do. Besides that, do whatever floats your boat and lets you sleep at night.

I remember I had a similar conversation with one of my nurses. In one sentence, she put it really well: "Don't be an asshole." And she's right...that's really all there is to it

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