the ramlings of on Friday, December 28, 2007.

I'm insanely in love with you. You are my everything. I am weak and you are my strength. I am a penis and you are my condom. I am a hand and you are my glove. You're the ketchup on my fries and the masala on my food. You are the meeta in my paan and the roti to my salaan. You are the ranch on my hot wings. I am that stupid waitress at China King that always asks for tip, and you are my tip. I am a black girl and you are my weave. You are the Halo to my Xbox 360 and the Super Smash Bros Brawl to my Wii. You're the Tracy to my Yao. You're the Shabaz to my Ilyas. I am Adil and you are my Abid. I am 2girls and you are my 1cup. You are the Zelda to my Link and the Peach to my Mario. You are the Sarosh to my AW. You are the gajar to my halwa. I am Bangali and you are my fish. I am Kashif and you are my Lamb of Shit. I am Shariq and you are my Fajr Program. You are the tabacco in my cigarettes. I am a random internet nerd and you are my Ron Paul. I am George Bush and you are my Iraq War. You are the Benazir to my Bhutto. I'm Saad and you are my "dang." I am Shaheed Ahmed Khan and you are my young Asian girl. You are the Zaid Siddiqui to my Sufyan and the Zaid Noor to my Bilal Siddiqui. You're the Haris to my Jangda and the Saad to my Shaheed. You're the Rehan's cousin to my Rehan. I am Safwan and you are my Pikachu. You're the black to my Saad. You're the fascism to my Haseeb. You are Abishek Bachan and I am Umair Silat.

When you are with me, everything makes sense. When you smile and laugh, my day goes by better. You complete me. You are like that long piece in tetris when I have four lines of garbage. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I'd do.

I love you, I really do.

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