I've realized a few things. First of all, friendships are about equivalency. You give to someone, and you get. You console them, and in return they console you. You give them a ride to UH, they give you a ride to Toyota Center. You help them with their homework, they help you study for a test. You honor their secrets, they honor yours. Most importantly, you respect them, and they respect you. These are how friendships work. And I honestly feel that all my good friends follow this way of thinking. That's what keeps my friendships with them are so strong. When somethings wrong, we tell each other straight up. It's just how friendships work.
However, sometimes you'll meet people that don't follow this way of thinking. They believe that the world revolves around them. These are the friends that put themselves at an higher priority and expect everyone else to accommodate. These are the ones that will blow you off or disrespect you for their own agenda, even when you've never done so to them. These are the friends that you regret investing time and effort into when you realize how much garbage they really are. These are the selfish friends that will never be happy because they are too involved in their own misery to even stop and think about you or how you're day went. Let's give these unbeneficial friends a name...let's call them "leeches." My dear friends, I advise you to stay clear of leeches because things never end good when you involve yourself with a leech.
the ramlings of
IJ on Thursday, May 15, 2008.
15 Responses to Priorities
Leeches suck blood and leave you "lifeless"....good name for these self centered individuals.
fuck them bitches,you know, its a thug life thing, reminisce that i aint got time for bitches
fuck them bitches, you know, its a thug life thing, them hoes can die for all i care, reminisce that i aint got time for bitches
correct lyrics you n00b
I wonder what stroke of events has caused you to think in this manner
I agree with Ahmed. I'm trying to figure out who or what you're referring to, but I have no clue. In fact, it could be any of us.
That said, you know I like the islamic concept of Ihsan (at least I think I'm thinking of the right term). Has many meanings, but among them is to give more than that person deserves, and expect less or nothing in return. I.e. logically we should all expect friends to be good to us in return for friendship, but it is better for us not to expect anything in return.
I figure it's so that when they don't do anything, you wont be disappointed, but when they do, they'll be that much more valuable.
I like this post. It's something everyone can relate to and apply it to themselves and their life.
I think Safwan hit the nail on the head with his second paragraph.
Although, I'm sure Imran disclosed all he wanted with the post, so what's with the unnecessary inquisitions?
By the way, I'm the one who conceived the term "leeches" for these people, so don't be all cool and try to take it from me. lol Actually it's not even my term, It's actually a song from Tool talking about exactly those types of people. They'll suck you dry.
yeah, safwan and kashif, you are right, we shouldn't do things to expect things in return. that is not true friendship. but i do think we should expect a certain level of consideration and respect from everybody, especially our close friends. otherwise, its not a true friendship; it is one person taking advantage of the good nature of another.
for example, i used to give a lot of rides to this one friend of mine....and to this day, he never lets me ride in his car.
lol im jp, safwan.
i searched braelv and found your blog.
I will willingly drive you anywhere. Well... not too far, but honestly I don't have anything better to do.
these blood sucking leeches are brainless whores and dicks who are completely dependent on those they leech off of. Be rid of such filthy creatures and let them feed off each other until non remain.
lol you still suck at basketball imran haha jk
if i had a car i'd drive you places but im not a very good driver...sooo...
what i find ironic is how everyone is trashing the so called leeches. but don't realize they could be the very people you referring to....
Something to say?