When I started this blog six years ago, it was an avenue for me to make fun of my friends. From that, it developed into a sarcastic blog critiquing the people in our hypocritical society and eventually became a platform for me to rant and express my views in a way that didn’t annoy people. After all, you had to visit the website to see the posts: they weren't bombarding your newsfeed or anything.
Anyways, I stopped blogging a few years ago because I decided it’d be better for me not to make fun of people and to keep my opinions to myself. For a year or two this was working out good for me, but in the last year, I’ve found my writing muscles starved for exercise. I find myself writing long Amazon reviews about socks and politically charged Facebook essays. In order to prevent subjecting everyone to my holier-than-thou attitude, I’ve decided to start blogging again. I intend on ranting about every little thing that annoys me, making fun of the unfortunate souls that chose to be my friends, taking shots at the people you all look up to, and preaching about how we can improve the community we live in.
Long story short, I’m back and I intend on updating frequently, so stay tuned! Or not…it’s up to you.
If you need a refresher, here are a few of my favorite posts from back in the day:
What up, girl?
Engagement Announcement
Stupid FAQs
Dear God
Post here and I'll predict your future
the ramlings of
Jangrizzle on Monday, August 18, 2014.
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